What a Business Post corporate subscription can offer your employees?
Key content
- Expert business news and analysis that allows your employees to keep up to date on Irish business news.
- Seven day a week leading business & political coverage with a unique focus on the intersection of politics business and economics
- Personalised onboarding process to ensure your employees get the most out of their subscription.
Businesspost.ie different offering
- Newsletters – your employees will be given the option to tailor their experience from a selected number of newsletters.
- e-Reader (Sunday’s newspaper in pdf format)
- Digital archive
- Business Post app
Simplified administration
- Dedicated point of contact within Business Post
- Account creation sign-up page
- Support, statistics, and analytics
- Annual invoice for easier administration
Contact us.
Talk to a member of our team on +353 12308044 or fill out the form below for more information on a corporate subscription with the Business Post.